Craft studies is an emerging field of research that is gaining recognition worldwide. Studia Vernacula is a publication that aims to lead the way in craft studies in Estonia. Craft studies combine practical skills with theoretical knowledge of heritage craft technologies. Such a practice-based approach helps researchers achieve a better understanding of the technical aspects of the objects they study.
The current publication is a special issue in English that brings together a wide range of craft research articles. These span from classical artefact and technology studies, to making-based heritage protection and the materiality of cultural processes. We hope this journey through different aspects of „Making cultural heritage“ inspires our international craft research community.
- The scope of Studia Vernacula
- Making cultural heritage. Editorial foreword/ Sirpa Kokko
- ENG: Putting the making in place-making: the role of traditional craft skills and community -led conservation in the re-framing of historic environment services./ Alexander Langlands
- EST: Käed külge kohaloomes: pärandoskuste ja kogukonnapõhise muinsuskaitse kasutamine ajalooliste keskkondade alalhoiul.
- ENG: Reviving an old shade of red: dyeing with rotted alder buckthorn bark./ Liis Luhamaa, Riina Rammo, Deb Bamford
- EST: Taastades üht vana punase värvi tooni: värvimine mädandatud paakspuukoortega.
- ENG: Traces of callimanco in estonia: purchased worsted striped fabrics from the late 18th to early 19th centuries./ Tiina Kull
- EST: Eestis säilinud callimanco-kangaste otsinguil: kammlõngast triibulised ostukangad 18. saj lõpust kuni 19. saj alguseni.
- ENG: Artistic development opportunities based on the reconstruction of reverse printing. / Jaana Päeva
- EST: Loovarenduse võimalustest rekonstruktsioonist lähtuva tagurpiditrüki näitel.
- ENG: The Expressive capacities of decay in Cabo Verde’s Carnaval Soncent. A case sudy of the ‘Hired to Farm’ allegorical car./ Lodewyk Barkhuizen
- EST: Lagunemise väljendusrikkus Cabo Verde karnevalil. Allegoorilise “Farmitööliste” sõiduki näitel.
- ENG: Craft teacher’s graduation theses in Latvia./ Māra Urdziņa-Deruma, Lolita Šelvaha
- EST: Läti käsitööõpetajate lõputööd
- ENG: Circular economies and the regeneration of land, craft, and biodiversity. Cultural ecologies of connection./ Patrick Dillon
- EST: Ringmajandus ja taastav lähenemine maale, käsitööle ning liigilisele mitmekesisusele.Sidususe kultuuriökoloogia.